Cyber Champions


Being in a digitally connected world where everything is on the Internet, one of the most difficult tasks for the governments, organisations and individuals have become assuring the safety of our data. Malware attacks and phishing are rising every moment attacking individuals as well as organisations. India’s cyberspace is increasing in size and variety every day that India must educate and engage the younger as well as the adult generation in protecting themselves and their organisations.

We believe in engaging the youth in technology development and deployment while individualising their experience and enhancing their knowledge. The only way to advance the quality of life is sharing and caring and collaborating.


Cyber Champions

We are happy to initiate Mega Cyber Awareness program "Cyber Champions" to empower the youth on cyber safety. We are planning to conduct this program in Tamil, English and Malayalam to cover a minimum of 10 Lakh students in the phase 1 (1 year). We have a plan to extend the program to wider audience to reach pan India and increase the modules.

Cyber Champions

Topics Covered (in phase 1)

Cyber Champions

Outcomes Expected

  • After successful completion of this course the student will be able to
  • Understand the basics of cyberspace and issues
  • Identify the cyber attacks in various forms
  • Create cyber awareness to their facmily, friends and neighbours
  • Take right actions in case of cyber attack

Cyber Champions


  1. Videos on the topics mentioned will be created and uploaded in a Learning Management System
  2. The videos will be provided to the schools after initial discussions and a faculty member will be identified as mentor for the program
  3. Students will be given access to the learning materials through mobile and web apps through individual login.
  4. Once they complete a module, and the accompanying quiz, the score will be intimated to the student and the mentor
  5. All the modules are to be completed to receive the certificate of completion and the Cyber Champion badge.
  6. Selected students will be assigned as ambassadors to broadcast the benefits of the course to their family, friends and the village authorities.
  7. All the ambassadors will be included in the Cyber Club to be created in the school and the impact will be measured through regular meetings .
cyber (1)

Cyber Champions

Implementing team


Professor, Avinashilingam College for Women

Ramalatha Marimuthu

Director, iExplore Foundation

Navaneethakrishnan R

Head, Innovation Centre, KPR Institutions

Harivardhagini Subhadra

Head/IT, CR Reddy College of Engineering

Cyber Champions


The program is a team work and we will be having clear responsibilities of the partners. We have the following experts who are involved in preparing the knowledge base for the videos.

  1. Divyanshu Verma, CEO, Redinent Innovations
  2. M. Sunitha, Professor, Coordinator CSE (Cyber Security), Dept of Emerging Technologies, CVR college of Engineering, Hyderabad.
  3. Ch V S Satyamurty, Associate Professor, IT dept, CVR college of Engineering, Hyderabad.
  4. Lenin Raja, Founder and CEO, EMCTTC

Cyber Champions

About the Cyber Video

The Cyber Video is an animated educational video that provides an introduction to cyber security for school students. The video is designed to be easily understandable and engaging, with various modules covering different topics related to cyber security.

Each module of the Cyber Video covers a specific topic, providing a brief overview of the essential concepts in cyber security. The video covers topics such as online privacy, phishing, malware, and social engineering, among others. The video is an excellent resource for students who are just starting to learn about cyber security and want to understand the basics.

One of the advantages of the Cyber Video is its ability to explain complex concepts in an easily digestible manner. The video uses simple language and clear visuals to help students understand the importance of cyber security and the risks associated with online activities. The video is also interactive, allowing students to ask questions and get answers in real-time.

In conclusion, the Cyber Video is an excellent resource for school students who want to learn about cyber security. The video provides a comprehensive overview of the essential concepts in cyber security and uses engaging visuals and interactive features to keep students engaged. By watching the Cyber Video, students will have a better understanding of the importance of cyber security and the steps they can take to stay safe online.

Cyber Champions

Video Team

  1. Mohammed Aashik S
  2. Abinayaa Sri T
  3. Udhayaraga B
  4. Dharani V